Artist & Fan Submitted Covers
Remembering Rich Mullins
Rich Mullins is remembered as one of the best songwriters of the last 40 years, especially honored for his heart-on-sleeve songs about his Christian faith. He tragically left this side of eternity in a fatal traffic accident on September 19, 1997 at the age of 41.
We wanted to carve out a little space on the internet where we could honor this 25th anniversary of Rich’s homegoing. We invite you to join us… by sharing your stories, reading others, and becoming a part of a team to create a new tribute album this year.

Fan & Artist Covers
Here are a collection of Rich Mullins’ songs covered by fans and artists. If you have a submission, please send a YouTube URL to richmullins25years@gmail.com for consideration by the website admins.
“Cry the Name”
Covered by Andy Gullahorn
“If I Stand”
Covered by Jess Ray
“Calling Out Your Name”
Covered by Andrew Peterson
Covered by Third Day & Brandon Heath
Covered by Carolyn Arends
“The Color Green”
Covered by Bill Wolf
“Hard to Get”
Covered by Andrew Osenga
“Sing Your Praise to the Lord”
Covered by John Thomas Oaks
“Boy Like Me, Man Like You”
Covered by Greg Adkins w/ Andrew Peterson & Ben Shive